Saturday, April 18, 2009

Working of Automatic Solar Tracking System (ASTS)
ASTS is based upon the basic principle of reflection and tracing the sun.
As the sun changes its position through out the day, the reflector also change ITS position in it reference.
There two possibilities to trace the sun, either we can move the solar panel and reflector will be stationary, or the other possibility is to move the reflector and keep panel stationary.
In addition, the reflectors are so planned that they can alter their position with the changing sun trajectory.
Here as the sun will move from east to west the reflector will also move accordingly and provide the predefined sunrays to the panel.
It can be observed that, regardless to the position of sun, the reflector is focusing its reflection towards panel only.
This concept of tracing the solar energy has proven efficient and more productive.
This diagram will give a proper idea for, how the solar energy is in fact collected and then can be used into various applications.
First of all the reflector will collect sunrays and reflect it to the panel.
The sensors will sense this, as and when the focus of the sunrays is shifted, these sensors will actuate the sub circuits and command the reflector to adjust itself with the sun’s movement.

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